Earn money without investment for students!

Are you a Student looking forward to earning to support your Family and getting your monthly expenses out of it? If you are in search of some earning source, then look no further you are in the right place at the right time. It is now possible with the help of some websites that help you earn as a student without any kind of investment. In this blog, I am going to prove this wrong that money attracts money. So, consider reading the whole blog to earn real hard cash without having any kind of money.

Image with written text "online earning for students in pakistan"

    Here are the Best ways for online earning in Pakistan for students. 

    FREELANCING: Money double scheme with knowledge

    Freelancing refers to a set of services in which you are skilled. This skilled work of yours can give you a return amount of 10-50 dollars a month. If you don't know where to start, just, consider these steps and you will surely become a professional in freelancing in no time. It is the best way for online earning in Pakistan for students without investment. Yes, no investment just upon your skills.

    Where to get the required skills?

    If you think that you have to buy courses, it's wrong you can have free courses with certificates.

    Through these, you can learn a skill:

    • YouTube: It's not just a site or app it is a huge treasure of knowledge. you just have to know the correct use of it. You can gain any kind of skill from video editing to photo editing. Any course just name it.

    • Coursera: Coursera consists of a huge library of courses. These courses are 100% practical based. The best thing about Coursera is that it just not provides you with the knowledge but also provides you with a certificate to showcase in your portfolio.

    • Edx: The best thing about Edx is that it provides you with free courses of universities like Harvard. Want a skill Edx now!

    My personal favorite is YouTube because it consists of multiple courses of verified personalities.

    What to do after this?

    Just go and create a profile on websites like:

    1. FIVERR
    2. UPWORK
    3. GURU

    Become a Sheff: Sell your recipe

    By becoming a home cook and selling your taste to others can make you about 10000-50000 easily. This can become a part-time job for students.

    How To sell recipe?

    For becoming a home Sheff just register yourself into apps like food panda and other. Before registering you must have a permit to do so. If you want a permit just follow the procedure of your country.

    Become a virtual assistant:

    Their must be a question in your mind what is virtual assistant? A virtual assistant in an individual that has signed a contract with a company for managing their content, business and other stuff. This job can make you about 50000-100000 PKR a month.

    Want to be a virtual assistant?

    For becoming a virtual assistant, you must follow these steps
    • Go find a business for open employment.
    • Find out for what services they require a virtual assistant.
    • Ask yourself that you can help the business or not.
    • Reach the business and tell them about the awesome skill you possess.
    • sign a contract.
    • Sit do your job and play with money.

    Where to get the jobs related to virtual assistant?

    You can get hired using the following sites.

    Affiliate marketing: Selling other's products

    Affiliate marketing is not something difficult to understand. In other words, it is about selling other products and keeping some margin of the profit from that product.

    Earning through it?

    If you to gain some profit by this technique you must have the correct knowledge. you can easily gain that knowledge through YouTube and other course-selling platforms.

    Tutoring: Offline and online

    If you want to simply earn without any hardships just sell your knowledge offline and online on platforms like Fiverr and Google Chats. By selling your knowledge you can easily make 50-100 dollars a month. So, what are you waiting for, go earn and become a millionaire.

    Final Thoughts:

    It is not a problem for a student to make money nowadays and these are the best online earning ways for students in Pakistan. The world is so advance you can earn just by playing games. Because students have a great knowledge and can earn through it. Earning money is just a game of consistency and knowledge. So go out there and have a fun journey. Remember the Quote
    “So many books, so little time.”
    ― Frank Zappa


    How to earn online as a student in Pakistan?


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