Free online courses from harvard | Best one to gain knowledge

If you are looking forward to gaining some knowledge through the course for better economic status and looking forward to a better future having free online courses in one of world outclass universities Harvard University not only give you best knowledge also can fit into your daily routine. These courses are free and can be accessed with no payment.

Here is the list of Free online courses from harvard:

CS50: Introduction to Computer Science

One of the reasons for the world's fastest growth is latest computing devices. Most of us especially who are related to medical field or art, or business don't know its perfect use and that can somehow benefit from it. This problem can be easily solved. Just invest some time in watching this course provided by Harvard University. It provides intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without having a knowledge of a computer. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, practically. CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets are inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming.

CS50AI: Introduction with Ai

It is considered one of the best free AI courses available on any other platform out there. This course enables you to gain info about the modern use of AI. This course is considered as best value to time because of the growing importance of AI. If you are a newbie in AI and have zero knowledge about it, then it a no problem for Harvard's excellent teachers. Join now to gain knowledge in one of the fastest-growing fields of computer science from the creators of one of the most popular computer science courses ever. In this course, you will not just learn theoretically but also have practical knowledge.

CS50B: Usage of technology with business

This course is for making the introduction of computer in the field of business. As you know the world is making speedy progress and with progress, we are entirely dependent on computers. This course is taught by an excellent instructor David J.Malan. By the end of this course, you will surely have a great knowledge about ai and will be able to use it in your daily life.

CS50L: Lawyers getting connected to Technology.

Are you a lawyer or a law student and want to learn about technology. the use of technology for deriving legal arguments and information. you don't have to find this kind of course or pay thousands of dollars to 3rd party websites Because the world top top-ranking university itself is offering this course for free. You cannot just learn the course but also get a certificate for the knowledge you just have gained. If you are a law student or a lawyer this is the best course that gives you full value to time. Topics include algorithms, cloud computing, databases, networking, privacy, programming, scalability, security, and many others, with the easiest practical emphasis on understanding how the work developers do and the technological solutions they employ may impact clients. The best course for getting more clients. This course is available for a limited period so go out there and gain information now.

PredictionX: Prediction through stars

If you are interested in space, then this course is the perfect match for you. In this course, you will learn about the ancient methods of finding out the way. This course is based on the experiments and knowledge that our ancestors have carried for a long period. But today we humans are completely forgetting it. So this course just not only provide you with the right knowledge but also help you understand the ways of your ancestors.

Clinical Care for autistic adults

 This course provides you with the right knowledge to handle an adult Autism certain condition. Nursing itself is a highly demanding career choice. Do you want to help someone? It's the best approach. If you want to become a nurse or want to gain some knowledge about it, do not forget to join this course. 

Effect of Climate change on health

We all know that climate change is one of the most dangerous things that is a great danger to human civilization on earth. See how it affects the health of an individual? then this course is just for you. Gain knowledge through this and also spread it as a good deed. This small deed of yours will surely contribute to the safety of humans in the future. So know what is best for your future generation.

Using Python for research

If you are a programmer having great expertise in Python then this course is for you. If you do not know how to use Python for research purposes then this course will provide you with the perfect knowledge. It is one of the best courses present on the platform for programmers to do.

The Path to Happiness

Many people nowadays are under pressure due to certain reason. If you are one of it then you are a perfect match for it. Access it now and get happy with a big smile on your face.


The most famous course on Harvard. Who says Justice is not free. It is free and provided by the best professors out there in the world. Do you think it will take years, But no its 12 months course.


In past years bio and technology have fused together and have ultimately formed a new field known as Biotechnology. It is a 10-month long course that will inform you about the ethics and law about genetic modification. if you are a biotechnologist and do not want to be arrested so hurry up or the police knock your door.

The Einstein revolution

This course is just for the lovers of science. In this you will learn about the legend Einstein life and his contributions in science


This course offers you a look at the past, present, and future of urbanization, to teach you better understand, appreciate, and improve urban areas. As part, you'll look at case studies from around the world, such as Islamabad, Mumbai, New York City, and Shanghai. This 11-week course includes interviews and insights from academics, policymakers, and urban leaders.

Science and cooking

Who says that only scientist conducts experiments. Who says that experiments can only be done in the science lab. all is proved wrong by the scientist. Experiments are also done in our kitchens know how? get the answer now.

The great Shakespeare

If you are poetry and love it with your heart. Than why not learn about the uncrowned king of the poetry. Learn about him now!

Want an easy way to earn without learning course!

Yes, you can earn without having to learn these courses. Play games and earn! Don't believe me. Find it yourself.


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